Page 1 of 2Dorm Room Inventory Tracking Complete ALL STEPS to ensure the safe delivery of your items to your dorm room. You will be notified about parking and will need to follow all parking rules to avoid being TICKETED or TOWED. STUDENT First Name*STUDENT Last Name*Your Email Address*We'll send you an email confirmation of your items!Mobile Phone Number*We'll send you a text notification of your inventory!NextResidence Hall & Personal InventoryCommunity Name*Please choose the campus community you are moving into.Please selectHerculesNikeTowersNeptuneLake ClaireApolloLibraNorthviewBuilding #*Please enter your building numberRoom # *Please enter your room numberSelect all items you are releasing to our move in help team. Loose Items - Not Touched by DRBHow many Loose Items?Small BoxHow many small boxes?Large BoxHow many large boxes?SuitcasesHow many suitcases?Duffle bags or similarHow many bags?Plastic Bin/Tote or Plastic Drawer UnitHow many Plastic Bin/Tote or Plastic Drawer Unit?TV in original boxUn-Boxed TV - We CANNOT touch Unboxed TV'sBedding & PillowsGroceries or loose food itemsMini FridgeLoose non packed ClothingMirror/picture - We CANNOT touch mirrors or picturesRolling ChairBean BagMicrowaveBicycle- Oversized itemDesk- Oversized itemOtherWe can NOT handle, touch, or transport loose items/ uncontained items or items of high value. Items such as PHONES, LAPTOPS, UN-BOXED TV'S, JEWLERY. Any loose items MUST be contained prior to being transported. New ItemNo. of quantityNew ItemNo. of quantityNew ItemNo. of quantityAgree to our terms & conditions*By completing this form you agree to our user terms & conditions as well as our privacy policy. You consent to being contacted about our service and to receive notifications pertaining to our service. BackSendThis field should be left blank